NIMA-B Digital Marketing

Integrating digital marketing for marketing results

Content of the program

The NIMA-B2  Digital Marketing program covers:

  • Introduction & topic section
  • Digital marketing trends
  • Customer profiling, customer journey & value proposition
  • Product process, price process
  • Distribution process, communication process, legislation
  • CRM and eCRM
  • Monitoring



For the NIMA-B2 exam the candidate has to select a company and write an operational marketing plan related to digital marketing. For example:

  • Introduction of a new digital channel
  • Product and / or service differentiation as a result of digitization
  • Optimization or further professionalization of marketing (communication)
  • Introduction of new marketing (communication) like content marketing


The NIMA-B diploma

Candidates who successfully pass both the NIMA-B1 exam and the NIMA-B2 digital marketing exam will get a NIMA and an EMC diploma at EMQF level 6.

The NIMA/EMC  diploma is international accredited and recognized.